Vector-based geographic databases (“digital maps") are created in the GIS technology and made available according to the relational or object-relational data model. Coordinates of objects are expressed in the “1992" National System of Geodetic Coordinates, based on GRS80 ellipsoid (WGS 84). It is also possible to provide data in another projection, according to the Client’s needs. The database is multi-scale and multi-resolution. All the data put together create a coherent, continuous space model enabling effective analyses and professional data visualization. Such a database construction ensures optimum data collection sizes, fast execution of options and optimum approach to the method of data updating and stage-by-stage development of databases.
The applied professional GIS tools ensure the maintenance of the necessary data quality, performance of diverse spatial analyses and preparation of printed maps..
The data is delivered to the client on standard data carriers (such as CD/DVD) or via FTP in the following formats: Personal Geodatabase ESRI ArcGIS (*.mdb) , ArcView Shape File (*shp) , MapInfo (*.TAB or *.MIF). It is also possible to provide data in other formats defined by the Client (such as DXF, Geohurtownia Intergraph).