
Portal LITE - your tourism portal integrated with MerlinX search engine

The price of Portal LITE for a project chosen from a template:
Installation package PLN 1490 PLN + monthly payment of PLN119

Available templates:

Price list

List of extra options Price
Individual graphic design of the main site PLN 1500
3 logo proposals for the website graphic design PLN 1500
Responsive web design from PLN 500
Transparency from PLN 700
Search engine with means of transportation under different tabs PLN 250
Auto search PLN 100
Animated bar with operator logos (up to 40 logos) PLN 250
Static bar with operator logos (up to 40 logos) PLN 100
Animated infoline banner PLN 100
Tabs box PLN 400
Rotator box PLN 300
Scroll boks PLN 500
Rotator banner PLN 500
Slider PLN 500
Animated banner from PLN 400
Static banner from PLN 150
Additional graphic menu with pictographs (up to 6 elements) PLN 250
Additional two-level text menu PLN 150
Graphic design of subpage with HTML encoding from PLN 300
Photogallery with graphic design from 400
News module with graphic design from PLN 400
Currency exchange rates PLN 200
Currency exchange calculator PLN 200
Weather PLN 200
Connection of the portal with Facebook PLN 150
Interactive map PLN 200
Text module on the main site PLN 100
Introduction of text to subpage (1 page) PLN 20
Reservation panel PLN 200
Navigation on subpages PLN 50
Installation of external system in a frame from PLN 20
CMS system administration PLN 100