Portal LITE - your tourism portal integrated with MerlinX search engine
The price of Portal LITE for a project chosen from a template:
Installation package PLN 1490 PLN + monthly payment of PLN119
Available templates:
Price list
List of extra options | Price |
Individual graphic design of the main site | PLN 1500 |
3 logo proposals for the website graphic design | PLN 1500 |
Responsive web design | from PLN 500 |
Transparency | from PLN 700 |
Search engine with means of transportation under different tabs | PLN 250 |
Auto search | PLN 100 |
Animated bar with operator logos (up to 40 logos) | PLN 250 |
Static bar with operator logos (up to 40 logos) | PLN 100 |
Animated infoline banner | PLN 100 |
Tabs box | PLN 400 |
Rotator box | PLN 300 |
Scroll boks | PLN 500 |
Rotator banner | PLN 500 |
Slider | PLN 500 |
Animated banner | from PLN 400 |
Static banner | from PLN 150 |
Additional graphic menu with pictographs (up to 6 elements) | PLN 250 |
Additional two-level text menu | PLN 150 |
Graphic design of subpage with HTML encoding | from PLN 300 |
Photogallery with graphic design | from 400 |
News module with graphic design | from PLN 400 |
Currency exchange rates | PLN 200 |
Currency exchange calculator | PLN 200 |
Weather | PLN 200 |
Connection of the portal with Facebook | PLN 150 |
Interactive map | PLN 200 |
Text module on the main site | PLN 100 |
Introduction of text to subpage (1 page) | PLN 20 |
Reservation panel | PLN 200 |
Navigation on subpages | PLN 50 |
Installation of external system in a frame | from PLN 20 |
CMS system administration | PLN 100 |